Saturday, October 12, 2013

Logo Showcase Episode 2


Reading Pretzel Machinery

Gernsheimer, Jack (2010-02-23). Designing Logos (Kindle Locations 1310-1313). 
Skyhorse Publishing. Kindle Edition. 

      Once again, the common theme of mixing typography and symbolic images is used to give a company its recognizable image and theme. Reading Pretzel Machinery manages to pull off the I <3 NY logo feel that was introduced to us by Milton Glasier. 

      If they used the letter "P" to represent their brand name they would have wound up with "RPM", automatically linking them to the automobile industry. How did they solve that issue  Instead of using the letter “P”, they represented the word pretzel with a recognizable symbol of a pretzel.  The pretzel symbol is created from the intertwined “R” and “M”.  The negative space around the letters give the  overall image an interlaced appearance that make the pretzel look like it is overlapping. The gradient used in the color version gives off the image of a pretzel being baked.


World Wildlife Foundation

“World Wildlife Fund The World Wildlife Fund logo was designed in 1961 by Peter Scott. There are few creatures that have the universal appeal of a young panda, and WWF likely recognized the fund-raising potential of adopting this symbol as its logo.” 

Gernsheimer, Jack (2010-02-23). Designing Logos (Kindle Locations 2253-2256). 
Skyhorse Publishing. Kindle Edition.  

      This logo uses just enough positive and negative space to create this young and adorable fuzzy friend. They wanted to appeal to the sympathy of others by creating this friendly looking panda which is on the WWF’s critically endangered list. The fact that this animal is black and white makes it more easily recognized. The use of simple shapes makes this logo work, there are no extreme details and yet this animal is still obviously a panda and never confused as anything else. No letters needed for the branding of this company, they are well established through the panda. 


The Creative Circus logo

“The Creative Circus logo designed by Roger Sawmill and Mark Braught in 1995 uses fundamental geometric shapes, yet gives them an implied sense of dimension. The basic five-pointed star appears to be applied to a spherical surface, as does the circle in which it resides.”

Gernsheimer, Jack (2010-02-23). Designing Logos (Kindle Locations 2714-2716).
Skyhorse Publishing. Kindle Edition. 

      This logo manages to recreate a ball typically seen at the circus. The sphearical representation of the outlined star makes the circle more of a sphere and gives it the ball appearance. This ball looks like it should be at the circus under the foot of a two ton elephant. The logo is simple, yet easily recognizable. 

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